Transport Assistance Needed for Rescue Thoroughbreds

We have the opportunity to have six of our rescued Thoroughbreds attend the Monty Roberts training program beginning in early February 2011. All of these horses were rescued straight from the slaughter pipeline last year and have since fully recovered, put on weight and are ready for this exciting next step.

We need your support so we can provide them with this incredible training opportunity. Donations are sought for transport expenses and we are also looking for volunteers in the S. Calif area who can provide some assistance handling and transporting these horses on their return. The quote for the professional transport of all six horses to Monty Roberts is $440.  Some will finish sooner than others and need transport in intervals for their return, so the return transport could run $1200. In sum we are raising $1650.

Donations are now being accepted on line at our website. Funds must to be raised before we can confirm their attendance.

These horses have come so far; please help us reach this goal!

If you are in Southern California and available to help with hauling or know someone who can, please contact us directly at

For the horses and burros~

Wild for Life Foundation
Lifetime Equine Refuge