Wild for Life Foundation
Los Angeles, CA
Dec 13, 2011
IMPACT, a profound new trailer from Wild for Life Foundation's "Saving America's Horses - A Nation Betrayed" is sending a staggering wake up call to U.S. policymakers. Horses are not the only ones in danger due to the lifting of a ban on USDA inspections for horse slaughter. Production for "Saving America's Horses", a documentary film slated for public release in 2012, is releasing a brilliant trailer straight from the title sequence of this film. This powerful trailer exposes the scathing truth about what is in store for America if horse slaughter plants reopen on U.S. soil.
It's no coincidence that this commanding trailer is being launched on the National Day of the Horse, a day set aside to celebrate the dignity of this loyal partner to mankind. This award winning film explores the human-animal bond of horse and man through an illuminating humanitarian lens.
"Film North presented Katia Louise, Director of 'Saving America's Horses' with the RBC/Film North Best Environmental Film Award, because no film in this year's program has moved and impacted on the audience more. At Film North we believe that there is power in films. 'Saving America's Horses' brings the plight of an endangered species to the forefront of awareness. Morally, intellectually and environmentally, mankind is obliged to evolve in the direction of preserving the equine. We congratulate and salute Katia and her dedicated team for championing and persevering this worthy cause in the face of horrendous obstacles." - Lucy Wing, Director Film North, Canada

"We applaud RBC's leadership role toward fostering a greater commitment to water stewardship in Canada and abroad," says the Katia Louise, Filmmaker of "Saving America's Horses". The launch of this trailer sends a red flag alert to policymakers about the critical need to protect the environment and our world's fresh water resources.
In addition to the environmental disaster, and the legacy of cruelty this violent industry leaves behind, anyone considering the reopening of horse slaughter must beware of the “$42million in losses attributed directly to horse slaughter” as stated by Henry Skjerven, the former director of the recently debunked Natural Valley Farms, Canada.
Natural Valley Farms was a former beef slaughter plant that had converted over to slaughtering horses. In a public statement by Henry Skjerven, he said "Natural Valley Farms died the day the decision makers chose to kill horses… most notable was our failure with the CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency)". As can be noted on the CFIA website, they’re "dedicated to safeguarding food, animals and plants, which enhances the health and well-being of Canada's people, environment and economy." (The CFIA removed the company's operating license)
Proponents of horse slaughter are urging U.S. cattle producers to convert their operations to killing horses, but some meat producers remember all too well Henry Skjerven's cautionary tale. Ted Pohlman of Pohlman’s Meat Processing, Indiana told WTHI TV "if a slaughterhouse starts killing horses.. they’ll lose all their beef and hog business.” Even Pohlman believes many people have too many emotional attachments to horses to consider killing and eating them. Pohlman also stated concerns about the safety of horse meat given the toxic substances they receive.
"Saving America's Horses" is an educational project under Wild for Life Foundation, a 501 c3 nonprofit charity with a mission to save, protect and preserve equines.
Learn more at www.SavingAmericasHorses.org
Mario James: Mario[@]wildforlifefoundation.org
Link to SAH's Humanitarian Trailer on Youtube