"Saving America's Horses"
Nov 30, 2011

Should Americans spend over $5Million in tax payer dollars a year toward toxic pollution, increased crimes rates, promoting tainted meat products and endorsing barbaric cruelty to animals?"

"Saving America's Horses" provides a platform for the leading equine welfare organizations in the U.S. that have been working to ban horse slaughter for over the past decade. Please help support our work by telling your friends about this important film project, and donate by mail or on line by visiting our website: www.savingamericashorses.org
"Saving America's Horses - A Nation Betrayed" is an intelligent and touching expose` that can raise the public outcry needed to pass a federal ban on horse slaughter. This documentary film is in post production with public release slated for early 2012, but funds are needed to pay for special processing in order to get "Saving America's Horses" to final print.
Big Ag wants to bring horse slaughter back to the U.S. and they've got deep pocket special interests helping to pave their way. If America doesn't speak out to stop it, Big Ag could open a horse slaughter plant near you, next year!
Help keep horse slaughter out of America by supporting "Saving America's Horses"!

"Saving America's Horses" is film project under Wild for Life Foundation, a 501 c3 nonprofit charity dedicated to protecting, saving and preserving wild and domestic equines. Donations to Wild for Life Foundation are tax deductible to the full extend permitted by law.
Awards and Accolades:
BEST IN FESTIVAL: Los Angeles Women’s International Film Festival
BEST ENVIRONMENTAL FILM: FILM NORTH International Film Festival, Canada
ACCOLADE MERIT AWARD: Indie Fest, for Advocacy, Visuals, and Investigative Journalism
"Masterfully presented!" – Larry Lindner, New York Times best-selling writer
“Fantastic! Powerful and compelling” — Greg MacGillivary, MacGillivary Freeman Films (IMAX)
“It’s the freight train that will roar through our country awakening, engaging and empowering the public." – Jo Anne Normile - Founder of CANTER, former racing breeder, owner, and BOD of the MI HBPA & M-TOBA
“It blows the lid off the abysmal horse slaughter industry in America.” — HarrisonHeldStarMedia “Fantastic! Powerful and compelling” — Greg MacGillivary, MacGillivary Freeman Films (IMAX)
“It’s the freight train that will roar through our country awakening, engaging and empowering the public." – Jo Anne Normile - Founder of CANTER, former racing breeder, owner, and BOD of the MI HBPA & M-TOBA
“Brilliant and heartbreaking exposé.” — Laura Allen, Attorney – Animal Law Coalition
"It raises the bar for animal welfare in this country.” – Shelley Abrams, racehorse owner, Co-Founder AAHS
Please help Saving America's Horses by forwarding this important message to your friends.
Thank you!
For the horses and burros~
Katia Louise and the Team at Saving America's Horses