America's Wild Horses Under Siege - Judge Rules Against Protection of Triple B Wild Horses

For Immediate Release
Los Angeles, CA
July 15, 2011, 7PM PST

Wild for Life Foundation
Compassionate Animal TV
America's Wild Horses Under Siege

Wild for Life Foundation is deeply concerned for the welfare of the Triple B Wild Horses. Despite a lawsuit filed by wild horse advocates to protect the horses from cruel removal, BLM's planned round up and removal of at least 1,726 wild horses from 1,682,998 acres herd management areas (HMAs) in eastern Nevada will go forward.U.S. District Court Judge Howard McKibben issued a decision in favor of the BLM which  allows the BLM to proceed with the Triple B round up to remove wild horses beginning on Saturday, July 16.

There are 975 acres per wild horse is this HMA; yet BLM claims that the wild horse population is five times over the minimum appropriate management level.  Horses will be stampeded by helicopter chases in deathly high summer temperatures. Many mares are pregnant and will most likely be unable to keep up the pace for the long distance stampede. Many foals have died in the process of previous round ups because their hooves fall off while trying to keep up with their mothers. 1000's of horses have died after being rounded up and placed in BLM holding facilities.

The BLM blames wild horses for poor range conditions where the land is actually overgrazed by cattle.

Link to Press release by BLM:

Learn more about this issue:

